Knocky Shooty - A Unity VR Game

Programing Language: C#



This work was developed as a part of a virtual reality class, and its objective was to develop a VR game that made use of natural locomotion and diegetic interfaces. To this end, it seemed to us like it would be fun and straightforward to develop a carnival-based game, and that is how Knocky Shooty was born. This game only has 2 minigames, a shooting time base game, and a level-based can knockdown game. This game was developed in Unity using valves VR libraries for unity and tested/designed with the HTC Vive.

The can knockdown game was a fully natural game where the user had to pick up a ball and throw it as in real-life, the rest of the process would be handled by the physics system and some clever detection of when a can is knocked down. There was also a panel that the user would interact with the start/restart the game and view his score, interaction would be done via gaze input. The second game had a series of targets that could vary in movement, amount, and placement, and the player’s goal was to knock them down as fast as possible. The user could move either through a teleport system which was there for a user such as myself who can not handle walking in a virtual environment while not walking in real-life, alternatively, the player can use the HTC Vive controllers touchpad to guide their movement, with their forward direction being controlled by the HMD’s view direction in real-life.